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October marks Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and this year’s theme, Secure Our World, couldn’t be more fitting, especially for small businesses here in the UK.

Cybersecurity might sound like something only large organisations need to worry about, but in reality, small businesses are just as vulnerable – if not more so.

Cybercriminals know that small businesses often have fewer resources and might not prioritise cybersecurity the way larger firms do. This makes them easier targets.

At NexGen Cyber, we’re here to make sure that your business stays protected, no matter its size. So, whether you’re a small tech company, a retailer, or an independent consultancy, let’s break down some simple, straightforward ways you can protect your business and keep things safe.

  • Keep Software Up to Date

Let’s face it – software updates always seem to pop up at the worst times. You’re busy, you’ve got customers to deal with, invoices to send, and suddenly your computer wants to update everything. As tempting as it is to hit “remind me later,” those updates are crucial. Why?

Software updates don’t just give you new features – they fix security holes that hackers could exploit!

It’s like leaving the front door open when no one’s home – you wouldn’t do that, right?

The easiest way to stay on top of this is to switch on automatic updates, so you don’t have to think about it. If that’s not an option, make it a habit to check for updates every week. It’s a quick and painless way to make sure your digital doors stay firmly shut.

  • Recognise and Report Phishing Attempts

 Phishing attacks are on the rise and are becoming increasingly sophisticated. What was once a poorly written email promising you a dodgy prize has now evolved into convincing messages that can easily fool the unsuspecting. Hackers send emails, texts, or even social media messages pretending to be legitimate businesses, tricking you into clicking malicious links or sharing sensitive information. It’s essential for you and your employees to be able to recognise these phishing attempts. Be wary of unexpected emails asking for urgent action, like updating payment information or logging into an account.

If something doesn’t seem quite right, it probably isn’t.

Always double-check with the supposed sender – using trusted contact details, not the ones provided in the suspicious message. And remember, you can report phishing attempts to your email provider or the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) phishing reporting service to help others stay safe.

  •  Use Strong, Unique Passwords

 We get it. Remembering different passwords for every account can feel like a headache, but using the same password across multiple sites or relying on easily guessable ones (yes, we’re looking at you, ‘password123’!) is a recipe for disaster.

Cybercriminals have a knack for cracking weak passwords, and once they get access to one account, it’s often a gateway to many others. Instead, make sure your passwords are strong, unique, and hard to guess. Ideally, a password should be a mix of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers, and special characters. If keeping track of all these different passwords feels overwhelming, consider using a password manager. This handy tool stores your passwords securely and generates strong ones for you when needed. It’s like having a personal digital vault, giving you peace of mind.

  • Turn on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Strong passwords are a great start but adding an extra layer of protection with multi-factor authentication (MFA) makes things even more secure. MFA works by requiring two or more forms of verification before granting access to an account. Even if someone does manage to get hold of your password, they’ll need another piece of information (like a code sent to your phone) to log in. It’s a bit like having a lock on your front door and a security alarm – double the protection!

Most online services and apps offer MFA these days, so make sure you enable it on all your important accounts. It’s a small step that can make a huge difference to your business’s security.

  • Making Cybersecurity a Habit

 At NexGen Cyber, we understand that running a small business comes with its own set of challenges, and adding cybersecurity to your to-do list might feel like one more thing to juggle. But just as you’d lock up your physical office at the end of the day, it’s essential to keep your digital space secure as well. By keeping your software updated, staying alert to phishing scams, using strong passwords, and turning on MFA, you’re already doing a lot to protect your business. Small steps can go a long way.

This Cybersecurity Awareness Month let’s work together to secure our world.

A little effort now can save you from a big headache later. We’re here to help you every step of the way. If you’re unsure where to start or need a bit of extra support with your cybersecurity, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re passionate about helping businesses like yours stay safe online. After all, when your business is secure, you can focus on what really matters – growing your company and looking after your customers.

Want to speak to one of the team?

Speak to one of our technical product specialists or maybe one of our expert solution architects to find out how we can help you with your requirement.

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